Hi, I am Junping, a name which is easily autocorrected to Jumping.

While I'm still on a journey of self-discovery, here are some glimpses into who I am and what matters to me.

I have found that humans spend their lives doing three things: discovery, creation, and negotiation. Among these, creation is my intrinsic passion.

Another one of my passions strangely lies in learning and education. I want to know how learning works, which leads me to build novel learning tools. I also want to understand how education systems fail, which currently leads me to nothing as I cannot change anything about it now. However, I will learn what is wrong with it.

I have been writing year-in-review articles starting from 2018. These articles are written in Chinese.

  • 2023: Sought the long-term value of life during a period of depression.
  • 2022: Thoughts about a land that only allows a single narrative, and the later research about censorship.
  • 2021: Attempted to understand the CCP's workings by reading their propaganda magazine; pondered concepts like growth and the metaverse.
  • 2020: Developed a perspective on the essential issues with modern education systems; learned notable ideas such as focus, longtermism, and first principles. Traveled around many cities in China and was deeply moved by the people encountered.
  • 2019: I did not write anything.
  • 2018: First attempt at writing a year-in-review revealed no noteworthy learnings, prompting the decision to write annual reviews as a means of self-reflection.

I build products and am still building more of them. I believe I am on my way towards something great.

Context is a revolutionary, swift, and accurate dictionary app designed to help people understand word meanings within their specific contexts. It supports multiple languages, making it versatile for scenarios such as traveling, gaming, reading, or watching movies. Context originated from my experience of playing Disco Elysium and having a hard time understanding many uncommon words. Most dictionaries don't work well, and I had the idea to build a modern dictionary very early on. Thus, Context was born.

VideoNotes is an effortless note-taking app for online learning. You can take screenshots of course videos with just one tap and write notes on them. The initial intent behind developing VideoNotes was to address an issue that troubled my friend and me for nearly a decade: the process of capturing course video content and converting it into notes was cumbersome. In fact, the issue reflects a larger problem: many current digital learning tools are mere superficial projections of traditional learning methods rather than genuine designs for digital learning.

More to write!

Contact: [email protected]